What are the symptoms of Mesothelioma?

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What are the symptoms of Mesothelioma?
The first signs of mesothelioma are often vague and similar to other conditions. If you are concerned, see your general practitioner (GP). It may take some time to be diagnosed, as the symptoms may come and go, and more common conditions are likely to be investigated first. Let your GP know if you may have been exposed to asbestos in the past.Symptoms will depend on where the mesothelioma has developed. 
Pleural mesothelioma may cause:
Shortness of breath (breathlessness)
This common symptom usually feels worse with activity or when you are lying down. It is often caused by a build-up of fluid in the chest called pleural effusion 
This can occur in the chest around the ribs or in the shoulder. It may be sharp and stabbing, made worse by breathing in deeply, or dull and persistent. You may also have a change in skin sensation or sensitivity to touch. 
Other general symptoms
Some people experience loss of appetite with weight loss, loss of muscle bulk, loss of energy, a persistent cough or a change in coughing pattern. Some people also experience night sweats.Peritoneal mesothelioma may cause: abdominal pain;a swollen abdomen; poor appetite, nausea and vomiting;night sweats or fever; and bowel or urinary problems. 
What can I expect after diagnosis?
You are likely to feel shocked and upset when told you may have mesothelioma. It’s common to have many questions and concerns about what the diagnosis will mean for you. You will have various tests to confirm that you have mesothelioma and work out how far it has progressed. The results will allow you and your health professionals to make decisions about the best approach to treatment.Mesothelioma is often diagnosed at an advanced stage.For most people, the main goal of treatment is to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Depending on how advanced the mesothelioma is and other factors, you may be offered active cancer treatments to achieve a longer period of disease control and improve quality of life.Depending on the impact of mesothelioma on your health,you may experience periods of relatively good health when symptoms are under control or less active. You may also experience periods when symptoms need more intensive treatment.

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